Grand theft auto v ps4
Grand theft auto v ps4

grand theft auto v ps4

However, with a couple of friends (eww, what’s that?) and some substances to loosen you up, it can be a great experience of a sandbox filled with tools and fun games. That is, the multiplayer/online is terrible if you are playing alone. The metaphorical den of thieves is home to one of the worst experiences you can have in gaming. It is a dreadful pile of microtransactions, elevating itself bit-by-bit on every player’s dime, with the latest updates requiring more and more simply to play and enjoy it. It is a hellhole filled with cheats, scum, and villainy, and none of them are EA executives. If I were stupid enough, I’d talk about the online portion, but I won’t. That is all of Hollywood and Bollywood taken down by the people who eat haggis and sound unintelligible to humans, my people!

grand theft auto v ps4

#Grand theft auto v ps4 series#

Not bad for a series that came from Scotland.

grand theft auto v ps4

It is, in fact, the best selling piece of entertainment in history. Before your Cyberpunk 2077 s and the word fortnight being misspelled, it was the most sought after game of 2013. It is now several years since the release of Grand Theft Auto V, the fifteenth game in the series. My point is, I grew up loving this mad little series about gangs and violence, but if I hear one more instance of: “ GTA 6 Leak confirmed by my friend’s uncle who works at Nintendo,” I’m probably going to kill someone’s grandmother. As a kid, (don’t tell Fox News) I loved ramping off a pensioner’s corpse while getting adult favors from a woman obtained by questionable means and paid by equally mysterious blood-soaked means. That’s the number of times I’ve heard: “GTA 6 Leak!” with the spelling and grammar of a high-school dropout bank robber that does exotic dancing on the side. Several billion, two-hundred and sixty-nine million, eight-thousand, and forty-three times.

Grand theft auto v ps4